Category: Press release

John Ries 2019-20 Scholarship Awarded

by Abigail Gabbard | February 23, 2020 | Press release |

The Expanded Shale, Clay and Slate Institute (ESCSI) awarded the first John Ries Scholarship to Annesh Borthakur, a doctoral student from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles. The annual ...

Design Solutions for the NFL

by Abigail Gabbard | December 13, 2019 | Press release |

LA Rams Stadium Uses ESCS to Great Advantage A $2.6-billion stadium taking shape on the outskirts of Los Angeles will transform an old horse track into one of the area’s most eagerly anticipated developments. Los Angeles Stadium at Hollywood Park...

Announcing the ESCSI 2019-20 John Ries Scholarship

by Abigail Gabbard | August 27, 2019 | Press release |

The Expanded Shale, Clay, and Slate Institute (ESCSI) is pleased to announce the John Ries Scholarship in Academic Year 2019-20 for undergraduate and graduate students in civil engineering or closely related majors. The ESCSI is the international ...

Concrete Masonry Units Beat Out Precast

by ESCSI | November 29, 2017 | Press release | Tags:

The Fulton State Hospital in central Missouri is a mental health facility that consists of facilities for maximum security, developmentally disabled and rehabilitation services. Opening its doors in 1851, it is one of the oldest public mental health ...