Not Given
Canadian Standard Association
A23.1-1960 Code for Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction refers to lightweight aggregate, including LWA concrete in Section 4.6 on page 22. This section contains the following: 4.6 Lightweight Aggregate 4.6.1 Quality. Lightweight aggregates shall conform to the requirements of the latest issue of ASTM Standard C330, Lightweight Aggregates for Structural Concrete. 4.6.2 Limitations. Lightweight aggregates may be specified, or may be used on the written authority of the Engineer. When lightweight aggregates are used in concrete which will be exposed to weathering, the concrete shall have a specified compressive strength of at least 3,000 psi, and an air content (entrapped plus entrained) of at least 6 per cent. 4.6.3 Lightweight-Aggregate Concrete. The proportions for lightweight-aggregate concrete shall be established following the procedure given in the latest issue of ACI Code 613 A, Recommended Practice for Selecting Proportions for Structural Lightweight Concrete.