Holm, Thomas
Significance of Tests and Properties of Concrete and Concrete-Making Materials
American Society for Testing and Materials
Lightweight concrete and aggregates were first discussed by R.E. Davis and J. Kelly in the 1956 edition of ASTM STP 169. The ASTM STP 169A and ASTM STP 169B editions were authored by D.W. Lewis. The general presentation of this paper is similar to earlier chapters; however, additional information on elastic properties of lightweight aggregates, as well as strength making, durability, and placement characteristics of lightweight concrete is included to reflect the current state of the art. This edition also includes new discussions relative to the contact zone and internal curing as well as revisions to ASTM methods for calculating the equilibrium density of structural lightweight concrete adopted by ASTM since the publication of ASTM STP 169B in 1978.1995 update is included.