Short, A.
Building Research Current Papers
Building Research Station, Ministry of Public Buildings and Works.
August, Vol. 1
The Comite Europeen du Beton (CEB was formed in 1953 and its Recommendations on Reinforced Concrete were published in 1963. Several Working Commissions shared the work of drafting this document, namely those on Practical Recommendations for designers, on Steel (Bond and Anchorage), on Bending and Compression, on Cracking and Deformations, on Shear and Torsion, on Safety, on Buckling, on T-Beams, on Slabs, and on Hyperstatic Structures. In addition, Commissions were established to study the use of lightweight concrete in structures (Commission XII) and large-panel structures (Commission XIII). Commission XII completed an Addendum on structural lightweight concrete and this was agreed at a meeting of the CEB in October 1966.