APPLICATIONS / Structural Lightweight Concrete Sustainability

Sustainable Living with Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete

The concrete industry is and will continue to be impacted by the global issue of sustainability. How the industry addresses the challenges and demands of the green buildings movement will, to a significant degree, determine its future position in the market place. One of the challenges the industry faces is overcoming the perception that concrete and more specifically cement is not as environmentally friendly as the industry claims it to be.

When the Expanded Shale, Clay and Slate Institute looked at the many benefits of their products (listed below) they realized that lightweight aggregate would help make concrete “Greener” and more environmentally friendly. The addition of ESCS structural lightweight aggregate will improve the construability and performance of concrete both initially and long term. The use of ESCS will help concrete contribute to sustainable development by optimizing structural efficiency, lowering transportation requirements, improving durability and extending concretes service life.

The Benefits of Using ESCS Lightweight Aggregate in Structural Concrete

Design and Construction Benefits

  • Less weight (less dead load)
  • More economical fire rated steel deck assemblies
  • Reduced trucking and placement costs for precast elements
  • Excellent long-term durability
  • Less overall material used
  • Reduced seismic inertia
  • Longer spans
  • Better fire ratings
  • Better thermal properties
  • Thinner slabs or increased cross-over reinforcing
  • Decreased story height
  • Smaller structural members
  • Less reinforcing steel
  • Lower foundation cost
  • More volume per ready-mix truck

Improved Concrete Performance

  • Excellent durability
  • Provides internal curing and water entrainment
  • Improved contact zone between aggregate and hydrating cementitious matrix
  • Close elastic compatibility between aggregate and cementitious matrix
  • Mitigation of micro cracking
  • Reduced autogenous shrinkage
  • Reduced chloride ion permeability
  • Fewer overall cracks

ESCS Aggregate/Cement Interface

Structural Efficiency with LW Concrete

Construction Efficiency – Lowering Environmental Impact