Engineer: Psomas Engineering
Contractor: Wardell Brothers
ESCS Supplier: Utelite Corporation
Psomas Engineering and Logan City teamed up to meet the challenge of cleaning storm water runoff that ran near as well as off the Logan CountyLogan County Landfill Landfill. The concern was that this stormwater could potentially reach a nearby stream during a heavy storm event. ESCS was the choice of media because it afforded a very simplistic design, low maintenance and excellent performance characteristics, which exceed the performance of traditional stone aggregates.
As the storm water runs parallel to the landfill, it was piped to avoid contamination. Prior to it entering the pipe, the storm water runs through the ESCS media to rermove contaminates such as TSS, oil and grease, from the storm water.
Testimonial from Key Contact:
Logan City, Utah Landfill Manager John Christianson, “We liked the simplicity and the ease of installation as well as the low maintenance. We plan to use this media in other projects at the landfill because of its application to our site.”